In my fashion design class we were put into groups to make a complete dress all out of toilet paper. Each group made a complete different design that each person in that group put there own ideas & input into. My group made a women's body suit with straps that go over the shoulders that go down to a deep V-neck, neck line that turn into petals at the waist line that turn into big roses that get smaller the closer to her crotch area. The body suit is very open and shows a lot of skin but has a lot of detail in it, and would be perfect for the Spring/ Summer time.

I really like the way our design came out, me and my team learned a lot from doing this project. We know what we like and we learned what & how we could improve our design, and exactly how we want to improve it by, extending the petals a little bit more so the roses don't start so high up, so when wearing it, it doesn't lose shape in the body figure. Making the top of the dress tighter, to see more of her top figure and extending the petals will make her hips look wider and the roses will grab the attention of your eye's and make her bottom look bigger. We made the design work with ideas from everyone in our group and it looks good and all of it flows.
We had to try different thing and test stuff out so we could get the same vision and get what really works best with combining all our ideas into one. Line gives direction to a design and break larger areas into smaller ones. Lines also create movement in a design, carrying the eye from one area to another, in our project we have Structural Lines and Curved lines on the body suit that create the appearance of fullness.